
Both our baked goods and bread are made from 100% Hokkaido wheat. Food additives and white sugar are not used.
Most baked goods also have eggs and dairy products, but some baked goods, cakes and seasonal baked goods use eggs and dairy products.
We will provide you with a list of raw materials used for each product, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

外側はザックリ! そして、口の中でほろほろと崩れる食感が魅力のスコーン。朝食に、午後のティータイムに。
The outside is zack! And a scone with an attractive texture that crumbles in your mouth. For breakfast and afternoon tea time.
Scones, as the name implies, are baked goods born in Scotland. It is said that it has become popular when it comes to afternoon tea in the UK, when it goes well with tea. Generally, flour is mixed with salt, white sugar, milk and butter. Naninani confectionery uses Dolce based on Hokkaido wheat "Kitahonami", uses "crude sugar" instead of white sugar, "organic soymilk" instead of milk, and domestic "rapeseed oil" instead of butter. doing.

フルーツ系ほか/Fruit and others
はちみつと有機ナッツ/Honey and organic nuts
レモンピールと有機ココナッツ/Lemon peel and organic coconut
有機クランベリーとオレンジピール/Organic cranberries and orange peel
塩キャラメルと有機ナッツ/Salted caramel and organic nuts
チョコ・ココア系/Chocolate and cocoa
有機チョコチップ/Organic chocolate chips
有機ココアとホワイトチョコ/Organic cocoa and white chocolate
和風/Japanese style
抹茶とホワイトチョコ/Matcha and white chocolate
小ねぎとハーブ/Green onions and herbs

A muffin with a mushroom-like, swelling form. Moist and soft texture is irresistible.
Muffins were born in the United States. Bake with homemade jam inside. In Naninani confectionery, we mainly use fruits from Nishi-Iburi as homemade jam. As with scones, use dolce based on Hokkaido wheat "Kitahonami", use "crude sugar" instead of white sugar, "organic soy milk" instead of milk, and domestic "rapeseed oil" instead of butter. doing.
* Depending on the season, some products are not made. Please contact us for more information.

フルーツ系ほか/Fruit and others
有機バナナ/Organic banana
チョコ・ココア系/Chocolate and cocoa
有機カカオのチョコマーブル/Organic cacao chocolate marble
和風/Japanese style
米粉(小麦不使用)/Rice flour (wheat free)

ティータイムの定番! サクッとした食感と、口いっぱいに広がる風味がうれしいクッキー。
Classic tea time! Cookies with a crisp texture and a flavor that fills the mouth.
Cookies that are easy to understand the flavor of ingredients because they are simple and simple. All cookies of Naninani Confectionery are free of eggs, dairy products and white sugar. Flour, soy milk, rapeseed oil, starch, and salt are from Hokkaido. Organic maple syrup (mainly from Canada) is used for a subtle sweetness.

フルーツ系ほか/Fruit and others
有機紅茶とくるみ/Organic tea and walnuts
チョコ・ココア系/Chocolate and cocoa
有機ココア/Organic cocoa
和風/Japanese style
ゆずコショウ/Yuzu pepper
Cake・Seasonal baked goods/ケーキ・季節の焼菓子

Classic hall cake, roll cake, strawberry tart with plenty of local fruits, berry berry cheese, etc.
Cakes made only by reservation. You can also use vegetables such as sponges and dough made from 100% wheat from Hokkaido, pure cream from Hokkaido, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, apples, and pumpkins from Nishi-Iburi. Roll cake towers, which are popular at weddings, etc. We will also consult with you about allergies such as eggs, milk and wheat. Please feel free to contact us. Very berry cheesecake is frozen and can be shipped locally.

フルーツ系ほか/Fruit and others
いちごのタルト/Strawberry tart
りんごパイ/Apple pie
ベリーベリーチーズケーキ/Berry berry cheesecake
ホールケーキ(生クリーム)/Whole cake (fresh cream)
※アレルギー対応可/Allergy available
ロールケーキ(各種)/Roll cake (various)
ロールケーキタワー(各種)/Roll cake tower (various)
ホールケーキ(生ココアクリーム)/Whole cake (fresh cocoa cream)
有機チョコチーズケーキ/Organic chocolate cheesecake
金柑ブラウニー/Kumquat brownie
かぼちゃモンブラン/Pumpkin mont blanc

It is carefully baked with 100% Hokkaido wheat Harutaka and Hoshino natural yeast. Eggs and milk are not used.
At one time, I also baked simple breads that can be eaten every day using 100% Harutaka wheat, also called "phantom wheat". Eggs and milk are not used in cream bread or chocolate coronet. Loaf of bread made with local carrots and spinach is also a popular dish. The store also offers Tsukune burgers and seasonal vegetable sandwiches.

食パン・惣菜パン/Bread, side dish bread
室蘭こんぶフォカッチャ/Muroran Konbu Focaccia
室蘭つくねバーガー/Muroran Tsukune Burger
たらフライサンド/Tara fly sand
まるパン/Whole bread
玄米/Brown rice
黒糖とごま/Brown sugar and sesame
オレンジピール/Orange peel
クランベリーとレーズン/Cranberries and raisins
ココアとチョコチップ/Cocoa and chocolate chips
菓子パン/Sweet bread
チョココロネ/Chocolate corone
りんごカスタード/Apple custard
かぼちゃクリームチーズ/Pumpkin cream cheese
豆ロール/Bean roll
栗ロール/Chestnut roll
さつまいもあん/Sweet potato
シナモンロール/cinnamon roll
コーヒーロール/Coffee roll

『日本ギフト大賞 2017』北海道賞を受賞した、室工大公認「鐵の素」クッキー。そして、室工大公認シリーズ第2弾の「ジンギスカン鍋クッキー」も好評発売中!
『日本ギフト大賞 2017』北海道賞を受賞した、室工大公認「鐵の素」クッキー。そして、室工大公認シリーズ第2弾の「ジンギスカン鍋クッキー」も好評発売中!「ナニナニ製菓」はもちろん、室蘭工業大学 生協、北海道四季彩館 東室蘭店(JR東室蘭駅)、道の駅「みたら室蘭」、母恋めし本舗(JR室蘭駅売店)などでお買い求めいただけます。
「鐵の素」クッキーは、鉄の原材料である鉄鉱石(ココア)、石灰石(きな粉)、石炭(黒ごま)をモチーフにした焼菓子セット。「鐵ができるまで ~室蘭の鐵の歴史」がわかる小冊子も付いています。「ジンギスカン鍋クッキー」は、室蘭工業大学・ものづくり基盤センター 清水一道教授が企画製作したオリジナルの金型を使用した、北海道の形を模したジンギスカン鍋をクッキーで立体的に再現しています。遊び心200%!どちらも北海道産小麦100%。化学調味料、人工甘味料・香料、保存料不使用の安全・安心な焼菓子に仕上がっています。
Received the Japan Gift Award 2017 Hokkaido Prize. Muroran Institute of Technology's official “Iron of the Cookies” and the second “Genghis Khan Pot Cookies”
The "Gift of the Iron" cookies, which have been awarded the Hokkaido Gift of the Japan Gift Grand Prize 2017, and have been certified by Muro Tech. And the 2nd Genkokan Nabe Cookie, the official Muro Tech series, is now on sale! You can purchase "Naninani Confectionery" as well as Muroran Institute of Technology Co-op, Shikisaikan Higashi Muroran Store (JR Higashi Muroran Station), Roadside Station "Mitara Muroran", Mother Love Meshi Honpo (JR Muroran Station Shop), etc.
"Iron of the cookie" is a baked confectionery set based on iron ore (cocoa), limestone (kina powder), and coal (black sesame), which are the raw materials of iron. There is also a booklet that tells you about the history of iron making-the history of Muroran's iron. "Genghis Khan Nabe Cookie" is a three-dimensional cookie-based reproduction of a Genghis Khan nabe that simulates the shape of Hokkaido, using an original mold designed and manufactured by Prof. Kazumichi Shimizu, Muroran Institute of Technology. 200% playful! Both are 100% Hokkaido wheat. It is a safe and secure baked confectionery that does not use chemical seasonings, artificial sweeteners / flavors, or preservatives.