
It doesn’t have to be luxury. It doesn’t have to be special. We want you to eat simple, but carefully crafted, as gentle as possible. This is especially true if you have a lot of high quality food like Hokkaido. Naninani confectionery “Naninani” means “as is” in Ainu language. We aim to make baked goods and bread that make use of high-quality ingredients.
Hokkaido Wheat100%/北海道産小麦100%
ナニナニ製菓の焼菓子とパンは、北海道産小麦100%。なぜ、北海道産小麦を使うのか? 理由は2つです。1つ目の理由は、ポストハーベスト(収穫後農薬)の心配がないから。現在、国内で食用に使う小麦の約9割は米国やカナダからの海外産。国内産は約1割と言われています。海外から輸入する小麦は輸送中に害虫やカビが発生する可能性があるので、船で運ばれる小麦に農薬を直接散布する必要があるのです。ポストハーベスト農薬は通常畑で使われる農薬の百〜数百倍の濃度で使われているといわれており、その中には人間の体に異常をきたす疑いがあるものも指摘されています。
Our baked goods and bread are 100% Hokkaido wheat. Why Use Hokkaido Wheat? There are two reasons. The first reason is that there is no worry about post-harvest (post-harvest pesticides). Currently, about 90% of wheat used domestically for food comes from the United States and Canada. It is said that domestic production is about 10%. Wheat imported from abroad can cause pests and mold to develop during transport, so it is necessary to apply pesticides directly to the wheat that is transported by boat. It is said that post-harvest pesticides are used at concentrations one hundred to several hundred times that of pesticides usually used in fields, and some of them are suspected of causing abnormalities in the human body.
The second reason is that it’s delicious! Of course, because Hokkaido is our hometown. I want to use ingredients that can produce the face of the producer with local production for local consumption as much as possible. I sometimes go to a wheat farmer’s field, but I understand the farmer’s feelings. In addition, we can see the difficulties of millers and stakeholders who have increased their value by focusing on domestic wheat, which was not considered at the time. Without good ingredients, we cannot make good baked goods or bread. We understand the thoughts and hardships of the producers, appreciate the blessings of the earth, and hope to continue the store.
Local food/地産地消(北海道西いぶり産)
車で1時間圏内にこれらの良質な食材が手に入る西いぶりはまさに“食材王国”だと私たちは思っています。地産地消で焼菓子・パンを提供したい私たちにとってはまさに天国のような地域!! できるだけ、地元農家の皆さんと交流して、生産者の顔が見える食材を焼菓子やパンを通じて提供していくことを目指しています。
Six municipalities are adjacent to the Nishi-Iburi area of Hokkaido where our shop is located. Date City, which produces a wide variety of vegetables, and Toyoura Town, which boasts the best strawberry production in Hokkaido and is famous for its scallops, and Lake Toya and Usuzan, where nature and vegetable production are carried out “Toyako-cho”, “Sobetsu-cho”, which offers a variety of agriculture such as fruit trees, vegetables, rice utilizing the fertile land brought by the volcano, and tomatoes using hot spring heat, and high quality milk as well as hot springs・ Noboribetsu, an iron town and Muroran, which produce dairy products, are surrounded on three sides by the sea and rich in seafood.
We believe that the best foodstuffs you can get in one hour by car is West Food Kingdom. For those who want to provide baked goods and bread with local production and local consumption, it is just like a heaven! Interact with local farmers as much as possible and provide ingredients that show the producer’s face through baked goods and bread I aim to go.
No food additives/食品添加物不使用
In our shop, food additives such as chemical seasonings, artificial sweeteners / flavors / colorants, and preservatives are not used in principle. Food additives are used to maintain the appearance of foods and make them last longer, but some are suspected of being harmful. By not using food additives, there are disadvantages that the shelf life is shorter and it is easier to fade than general products, but in our shop we choose the advantage of being as “friendly as possible to the body”. In addition, white sugar is not used, and crude refined sugar and unburned sugar are used instead. Many products also refrain from using eggs and dairy products, and we are also consulting on allergy measures.
Instead of using food additives, we will improve packaging materials and refrigeration technology in the future to extend the shelf life and increase the number of products that can be shipped locally, so that we can make our customers happy. I will go.
About us/私たちについて
ナニナニ製菓は、有限会社ドラゴンの新規事業として、2013年12月に開業。「カラダにやさしい焼菓子とパン」をコンセプトに、地産地消、食品添加物不使用、アレルギー対応といった健康志向の商品を提供してきました。地元・西いぶり地域の農家が集まり直売する「西いぶりファーマーズマーケット」(※当店オーナーが初代代表。北海道新聞・地域元気大賞、第13回HAL農業賞受賞)や、首都圏への西いぶり食材PRイベント(西いぶりどっかんマルシェ)の企画・運営にも携わり、地元食材を積極的にPRするとともに、地元食材を使用した季節の焼菓子やパン、サンドイッチを提供。そのコンセプトや活動から、札幌の百貨店イベントや、道内最大級の屋外イベント「RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL」「さっぽろオータムフェスト」、そして、コンサドーレ札幌「パン祭り」などの人気イベントに招かれて出張販売・商品提供させていただく機会も多いです。
Our store opened in December 2013. Based on the concept of “body-friendly baked goods and bread”, we have provided health-oriented products such as local production for local consumption, no use of food additives, and allergy response. Nishi-Iburi Farmers Market, where local and west-Iburi farmers gather and sell directly (* Owner’s owner is the first representative. Received the Hokkaido Shimbun-Genki Grand Prize, the 13th HAL Agriculture Award), and promoted west-Iburi ingredients to the Tokyo metropolitan area Also involved in the planning and operation of the event (Nishi Iburi Dokkan Marche), actively promoting local ingredients, and providing seasonal baked goods, bread and sandwiches using local ingredients. From their concept and activities, they were invited to popular events such as the department store event in Sapporo, the largest outdoor event in Hokkaido, “RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL”, “Sapporo Autumn Fest”, and Consadole Sapporo “Ban Matsuri”. There are many opportunities to offer.
Furthermore, we co-developed a souvenir confectionery “Iron no Moto” cookie with the national university “Muroran Institute of Technology” to promote the local “Town of Iron” Muroran. The unique concept was well received and won the Japan Gift Award 2017 Hokkaido Prize. “Genghis Khan Hot Pot Cookie”, the second joint development with Muro Tech, is now on sale. We are focusing on local PR together with local universities.
昭和49年(1974年)、室蘭市生まれ。青山学院大学 経済学部 経済学科卒業。雑誌編集、デジタルコンテンツ制作・情報配信、フィットネスクラブのマーケティング・広報、フードライターなどを経て、2013年、20年ぶりに家族と共に故郷に戻り起業。現在はパティシエの嫁と共に焼菓子&パンの店を営みながら、西いぶり地域からの情報発信に力を入れている。
Shopkeeper: Takayuki Niwayama
Born in Muroran City in 1974. Aoyama Gakuin University Faculty of Economics Graduated in Economics. After working in magazine editing, digital content production and information distribution, fitness club marketing and public relations, and a food writer, he returned to his hometown with his family for the first time in 20 years in 2013. Currently, she runs a baked goods and bread shop with her pastry chef, and is focusing on transmitting information from the western part of Hokkaido.
Chef Patissier / Nao Niwayama
Born in Yamaguchi Prefecture and raised in Tokyo. Mother of three male brothers. After working in department stores and furniture sales, he turned into the confectionery industry. After working at Euheim, Earl of Ogasawara and Sazabi League Co., Ltd., she started activities focusing on “safe and secure baked goods and bread” with her first childbirth. After working at the opening staff of a vegetable sweets specialty store, Brown Rice Cafe, became independent. My family runs a pesticide-free farm in Matsusaka, Mie